3 Weeks with the FUJIFILM X-E2

Now that I've returned the new Fujifilm X-E2 camera to Fujifilm Middle East, I found the time to make a 2 min slideshow of some of the best images shot with this amazing new mirror-less camera!

Please click on the image (video) below and make sure you watch it on the 1080p highest resolution.

Images were all shot with a pre-production Fujifim X-E2 over a two week period travelling through Sydney, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Dubai

If you missed it, please checkout my honest thoughts on the X-E2 here.

For the Vimeo fans amongst you, the slideshow can also be found here.

Last but not least, if you have the slightest interest in the Fuji X series camera system, make sure that you visit the two following links by German Photographer Thomas Menk. He does a great job collecting all X-series related blogposts at:



Remember, " A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without the camera" - Dorothea Lange

