Carnevale di Venezia- 2011 - Venice Carnival
The Venice Carnival is the largest and most important of the Venetian festivals; a cocktail of tradition, entertainment and history, of a unique city in Northern Italy.
Every year the festival celebrates the passage from winter to summer and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. The official start, dates back to 1296, when the most humble of the classes became the most powerful by wearing masks during the Carnival time. After an interruption of almost two centuries the festival was relaunched in 1980 and has since been held annually.
Internet research told me that shooting the masks with thousands of surrounding tourists would not be an easy thing.
In order to get clean images, the participants get together at specific places and times. Pro and semi-pro photographers can then shoot them interrupted after which business cards are exchanged so the images can then be send out after the event. A great solution for both parties!
The first spot for a sunset shoot, was on a small island opposite San Marco. Since the masks (people who wear masks) are not supposed the speak, the quietness makes for a very serene and special atmosphere! Just across the water one could see the hustle and bustle of the thousands of visitors making their way through the narrow Venice streets. What a contrast!
The next morning I was up before dawn (5am). After a 15 min walk, a 15 min bus ride and a 20 mins boat-trip, I arrived at San Marco square where I found about 20 photographers shooting even more masks in the pre-sunset light. And the best thing of all; not a single tourist around. My internet research really paid off!
The sun peeking above the horizon just before 7am, made for some amazing early morning light.
Unfortunately about one hour after sunrise, the first tourists started showing up. By then shooting up from ground level was pretty much the only option. Just before 9am I packed my gear and headed back to the hotel. Just in time for breakfast!
cEven though it was my first visit to the Carnival, it surely will not be my last one. If one can avoid the massive crowds, it truly is a unique experience as a photographer!
After I came home with over 800 images, I now finished the editing and have uploaded about 90 to my Venice Carnival gallery.
The coming days, I will start emailing the participants images which they so well deserve...
You all made my day(s)!
I've also made a 5 minute slideshow-video, which can be found on Vimeo here. While you are there feel free to check-out some other BMP videos at the new BMP Vimeo channel.
Click that shutter,
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i loved the shooting with you
( photo on this page)
maybe we see us !?
Monika (Perla d´Oro)