
Just a quick update on a new born online gallery, called iSee. It consists of images shot by small cameras like the iPhone.

You've probably been in a situation where you said: "if only I had my camera right now"! Well the fact is, you probably had some kind of camera with you... Were you carrying a mobile phone with a camera? Likely. Not? Some recent online discussions with fellow photographers made me think about this a bit more. How often do we as photographers blame the lack of a specific lens or camera body for not being able to make the shot of a lifetime... Are we not referring to our gear a little too often? iSee

My point is that any camera is better than no camera when the decisive moment occurs. Even though the iPhone is not known for having one of the best compact cameras, it can definitively boost your creativity. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to shoot my next commercial shoot with a little mobile phone. There is obviously a place for all the expensive  great gear we carry around, but it shouldn't stop our creativity juices flowing.


The iPhone images I'm uploading to iSee, received very little or no computer post-processing. When shooting with the iPhone, I'm using little 1 to 5 $ iPhone apps called Photogene, PS Mobile and Best Camera for a quick edit. The latter was recently released by the famous commercial photographer, Chase Jarvis who also just published one of the first coffee-table photo books shot exclusively with an iPhone.
iSee, is all about the image and nothing about the camera!

Happy shooting,
