90 YEARS - 90 DAYS - 90 IMAGES (Part 3)
T oday is the last day of the project where I limited myself to shooting the X100VI camera for a period of 90 days. Why 90 days you may ask? When Fujifilm announced the X100VI in February 2024, they themed the launch around the 90th anniversary of Fujifilm, which started back in 1934. 90 days to celebrate the 90 years of the company founding seemed appropriate. At the start of the project I started a specific gallery on my website (under Personal Projects), called 90 Years Fujifilm - 90 days X100VI. While the content was dynamic with images coming and going, I've now selected the 90 final images for the project. Click here to check out the 90/90/90 project. X100VI Limited Edition To commemorate the 90th anniversary of Fujifilm, the company announced a serialized production run of 1934 copies of the camera; clearly a nod to Fujifilm's founding year. I personally was lucky enough to get my hands on serial nr 830 of 1934. The Limited Edition camera is largely the same as