50 days with the Nikon D800
Exactly 50 days ago, the UPS guy showed up with my brand-new Nikon D800 camera body. Since then, my main D700 camera changed owners and I'm now primarily shooting with the new Nikon mega pixel monster!
Over the last month or so, I used the D800 for a few smaller commercial shoots and I must say Nikon has really impressed me so far! Tomorrow I'll take it out on a large architectural shoot. The amount of detail the 36.3 MP full frame sensor provides is jaw dropping. The other day, I was doing a portrait shoot where I could clearly see myself in the iris of the eye...
It looks like 2012 will be the "year of the pixel resolution"; first the new iPad with the amazing retina display, the D800 as the highest resolution on a DSLR ever and earlier this month the new Apple MacBook Pro with its retina display.
I won't be doing a full review on the D800 since other people have done great jobs on the subject and I do largely agree on what has been written so far! If interested please have a look at the following:
Above, I did however make a 3 minute slideshow with a compilation of some of the D800 images I shot over the last 50 days. Make sure you watch the video full screen and that you click HD ON in the right bottom corner. Enjoy!
In one month, I'm off to Iceland for another photographic adventure. Perfect place to make Nikon latest baby, shine!
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